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Client Service Charter

Client Service Charter

  • Introductory Statement by the Minister for Finance
  • Organization Profile
  • The Purpose of this Charter
  • The Principles of Public Service Delivery
  • Our Clients and Users
  • Our Services
  • Our Core Values
  • Our Guaranteed Standards
  • Client Rights and Obligations
  • Feedback and Constructive Criticism
  • Maintaining and Reviewing this Charter


Client Service Charters are in effect a ‘social pact' between service providers and receivers. They specify standards for service delivery, which we believe our stakeholders have a right to expect, and set out complaint handling and feedback mechanisms if things go wrong. They are developed through consultation with customers and staff. We are proud that The Ministry of Finance (MoF) is one among the first institutions in Tanzania to prepare a Client Service Charters and to commit itself to report annually, both to these stakeholders and to parliament, on our performance against this charter. The monitoring and evaluation system that have been developed for the Public Service Reform Program (PSRP) will be the supporting instrument for this process. The concept and implementation of service charter initiatives has strong impetus in improving the quality of public service. Regular monitoring, evaluation and publication of the results can have a significant impact in helping to raise up standards of services and of expectations of stakeholders, and may raise awareness of the need for accountability. The Ministry of Finance has, therefore, recognised the potential benefits of using service charters as a tool to drive cultural change towards a more customer-focused approach throughout the organisation (MoF). In October 2000, we carried out a review of the Public Finance Management Reform Program (PFMRP) which aimed at improving Government's macro economic performance forecasting, planning, budgeting and accounting in line with the Government agenda for promoting transparent, responsive and equitable public service. We will soon publish and launch a Public Finance Management Reform Program (PFMRP). To be effective and successful, this charter has to be a living document, which is a product and the embodiment of the good governance that we endeavour to maintain with our client, stakeholders and staff. We therefore invite our stakeholders to use the suggested mechanism to enter into a constructive dialogue with MoF in order to improve and review the quality of service we deliver.
9th November, 2002


The Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs is a central Ministry responsible for mobilisation and allocation of financial resources, formulation of fiscal and monetary policies, control and accounting for public finances. Additionally, it is a custodian of government assets and finally, responsible for servicing of the public debt. In brief, our core functions include:-

  • Revenue collection and expenditure management
  • Formulation of fiscal and monetary policies and strategies
  • Mobilisation and management of External resources
  • Management of government property and public investments.

Physical Address

Our Offices are located at the corner of Madaraka Avenue, Luthuli and Shabaan Robert Streets in Dar es Salaam and we are open from to 07.30 to 15.30 on weekdays and to the public from 09.00. Our Postal Address is:

The Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs,
PO Box 9111,
Dar es Salaam.
Telephone: (+255) 022 2111174-6
Fax: (+255) 022 2110326


The main purpose of this client's service charter is to improve awareness of the availability and quality of the services offered by the Ministry of Finance. This charter will provide an opportunity to our stakeholders to understand what we commit ourselves to do, how to contact us, what to expect by way of service standards, and how to seek a remedy if something goes wrong. The Charter will enhance participation of civil society and interest groups in the Management of Public Finances. We also believe that, the charter will provide guidance to our stakeholders to claim their existing rights and it will also provide transparent mechanisms for contact, complaints and accessibility.

Key Features

In pursuit of this purpose, this charter includes the following key features: -

  • Brief information about how to contact us for further information
  • A statement of standards of service that users can expect to receive in the context of the Key Results Areas
  • Details about our main stakeholders and the key services that we expect to be provided by us.
  • The arrangements for seeking remedy.


We commit ourselves through this Charter to 9 Core Principles of Public Service Delivery as follows: Set standards of service We will set clear standards of service that users can expect; monitor and review performance; and publish the results, following independent validation wherever possible. Be open and provide full information We will be open and communicate clearly and effectively in plain language, to help people using public services; and we will provide our clients with full information and services, and how we are performing on an annual basis. Consult and involve We will consult and involve our present and potential stakeholders in public finance management, as well as our employees; and use their views to improve the services we provide. Encourage access and the promotion of choice We will endeavor to make services easily available to everyone who needs them. We will encourage the use of technology as resources permit, and we will offer clients choices wherever possible. Treat all fairly We will treat all people fairly; respect their privacy and dignity; be helpful and courteous; and pay particular attention to those with special needs and vulnerable groups. Put things right when they go wrong We will attempt always to put things right quickly, efficiently and effectively; learn from complaints; and have a clear, well-publicised, and user-friendly complaints procedure, with the possibility of independent review wherever possible. Use resources effectively We will use resources effectively to provide best practices and accountability to taxpayers, donors and other stakeholders. Innovate and improve We will continually look for ways to improve the services and facilities offered. Work with other service providers We will work with Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and other providers to ensure that services are simple to use, effective and co-ordinated, and facilitate MDAs to deliver better services to their end-users where MoF has responsibility for crosscutting issues:-

  • HIV / Aids
  • Gender equity
  • Prevention of corruption
  • Poverty reduction


When we produced our Strategic Plan we identified our main clients and user groups and their main legitimate expectations as follows:

5.1 International community, lenders, and donors

Have the right to expect:

  • Clarity and consistency of policies
  • Good governance and accountability
  • Effective Co-ordination
  • Government ownership of programmes
  • Improved partnership

5.2 Ministries, Departments and Agencies, (MDAs), and Local Governments

Have the right to expect:

  • Timely issuance of budget guidelines
  • Timely and predictability of release of budgeted funds
  • Timely availability of technical/financial guidance
  • Approval of tenders within their validity period
  • Timely availability of financial information
  • Improved fiscal and monetary management practices
  • Sound and strategic resource allocation mechanisms

5.3 Civil Society.

Have the right to expect:

  • Good governance
  • Civic friendly tax policies and practices
  • Timely availability of information on monetary and fiscal issues
  • Accountability in financial management

5.4 Pensioners

Have the right to expect:

  • Fair and timely payment of retiring benefits

5.5 Business Community & Investors

Have the right to expect:

  • Macro-economic stability;
  • Predictable and equitable tax regime;
  • Efficient tax administration;
  • Fiscal incentives; (To be phased out overtime)
  • Supportive financial infrastructure;
  • Timely availability of monetary and fiscal information;
  • Good governance.

5.6 MoFEA employees

Have the right to expect:

  • Attractive terminal benefits;
  • Accurate, adequate and timely payment of salaries;
  • Transparent and fair career development plan;
  • Accountants code of conduct;
  • Conducive working environment and adequate working tools and equipment;
  • Fair performance appraisal and rewarding and sanctioning system.

5.7. Office of the Controller and Auditor General

Have the right to expect:

  • Statutory audit of Controller and Auditor General's (CAG) accounts;
  • Total compliance of financial regulations.


In order to address and respond to these client expectations we have defined 13 Key Areas in our Medium Term Strategic Plan as follows:-

  • Macro-Economic stability
  • Public accountability and financial management
  • Information, advocacy and dialogue with stakeholders
  • Social security benefits and pension administration
  • Management and control of government budget
  • Control and management of government assets including valuation
  • Management Information Systems
  • External Resources Availability and Management
  • Capacity of MOFEA to Deliver Public Services Effectively and Efficiently
  • Impartial and Fair Determination of Tax Appeals
  • Timely and Accurate Legal Advice/Opinion
  • Fair Justice and Protection of Public Interest
  • Value for Money


When the government launched the Public Service Reform Programme in June 2000 it committed itself to eight public service Core Values that we will abide to as follows: -

  • Pursuit of Excellence in Service Delivery;
  • Loyalty to Government; (Authority)
  • Diligence to Duty;
  • Impartiality in Service;
  • Integrity;
  • Courtesy to All;
  • Respect for the Law;
  • Proper Use of Official Information.


In support of the ethos of the above values, we will strive at all times to continuously improve the standards of our services in terms of:

  • The quality of our relationship with clients
  • The quality of the services provided
  • The timeliness of service delivery

8.1 Our Relationship with and our Responsibilities to our Clients

We want to establish and maintain good working partnerships and excellent relationships with our clients through clear understanding of our mutual expectations, rights and responsibilities. We have set out below what we consider to be clients' rights and responsibilities. For our part we promise to maintain the highest standards possible in respect of the following: Advice We will always endeavour to provide consistent, accurate and impartial advice on public financial and asset management Staff Manner We will require and train and require our staff to be friendly, helpful, respectful, action oriented and sensitive to the clients' individual needs. Information sharing We will provide our stakeholders with necessary information to enable them to participate effectively in public finance management

8.2 Quality of Service Standards

We are striving continuously to improve the quality of our service provision with regard to the following: Responsiveness We will deal with all referrals as promptly as possible Clarity We will ensure that all letters, financial reports and publications, processes and other information is as clear as possible and able to be understood by people with disabilities. Accuracy We will monitor the accuracy of advice, information and financial transactions Appropriateness We will seek to ensure that our services fit clients' needs and circumstances – particularly the special needs of the disabled or other disadvantaged groups. Information Technology We will maintain the IT standards in line with international best practices. Response times for client contacts We will deal with letters, e-mails and phone messages as quickly as possible and always within 7 working days from the date of receipt. Appointments We will ensure that all appointments are promptly dealt with. The service will be delivered without prejudice, favouritism and the like within 10 minutes from the time appointment was sought. We will do our best to avoid any inconvenience, and regret with apology. Telephone Service We guarantee to shorten the time to get through individual staff for response to outside calls and vice versa within the minimum time not exceeding 10 minutes. We therefore promise to interact diplomatically and value others through effective communication. Complaint Resolution Our procedure for clients to make complaints and the standards they can expect of the complaints handling process are set out below. We guarantee to respond in acknowledgement of all complaints as soon as they are received. Furthermore, we guarantee that response, suggestions solutions, or progress report will be provided as soon as possible but not exceeding 60 days from the date of receipt of the complaint.

8.3 Timeliness-related Standards for processing core activities

These cover the speed and efficiency of the administration of our service delivery processes. We will pursue opportunities for continuous improvement in the following areas: For resource allocation Exchequer will be released on 5th days of every month. Budget guidelines To be despatched by December every year. Retirement benefits To be dealt with within 3 months from the date of submission. All payments Processed within 24 hours of the receipt of such claim. Budget Guidelines Released to all MDAs and Local Government in the month of December, every year. Applications for internal reallocations from MDAs Processed and finalised 5 days after the date of receipt of proper applications. Letters and applications for funds Acknowledged within 5 days from date of receipt. Consolidation of final accounts Ready for submission by 31 December annually. Monthly civil servants Personal Emoluments and parastatal wages allocations Processed and exchequer issues delivered to MDA's by 15th of every month. Production of monthly payrolls Payments to be effected by 18th of every month. Requests from MDAS on IT specification Respond within 7 working days from the time of receipt. Parastatals' and Government Institutions' Schemes of Service and Salary Structures Processed and directed within 25 days. Non Incentive Scheme packages for Parastatals and Government Institutions Processed and directed within 25 days. Voluntary Agreements for Parastatals and Government Institutions Processed and directed within 45 days. Financial and Staff Regulations for Parastatals and Government Institutions Processed and directed within 21 days. PSRC Quarterly Funding Requests Processed and directed within 30 days after receiving the request. Treasury Registrar Circulars on new salaries for Government Institutions Issued within 90 days after issue of Civil Service Salary Circular. Powers of Attorney requests from PSRC Processed and decided within 31 days after receiving such requests. Summons to the parties Serviced within 14 days from the date of filing the appeal. Copies of judgements and proceedings Supplied within 14 days from date of final determination of the appeal. Bills of costs Filed within 7 working days from the date of filing and ensure speedy and effective execution of the Decrees of the Board or Tribunal and taxed within 5 working days. Appeal documents to the respondent Served within 7 working days from the date of lodging the appeal. Hear and determine appeals Within 30 days from the final filing of the necessary appeal documents Complaint to the Tribunal Acted upon and replied within 5 working days.
(Technical Audit) Issuance of Corrective Action Requests (CAR) for technical audits conducted on government projects Within 14 days from the time of submission of Audit Report. Response to Audit Request Audit plans and programmes ready for taking off within 30 days from the date of request.
(Tender) MDAs obtain donor agency approval Within the specified time of 4 weeks (only for procurement which will require clearance by the donor agency). Review and clear bidding documents Within 10 working days Process and obtain approval of the Central Tender Board for awards of contracts Within 15 working days Acknowledging receipt of the comment, compliment or complaint Within 3 working days
(External resources mobilisation) Requests/enquiries for donor funds from line Ministries/clients/development partners for projects/programmes funding Feedback given within 7 working days from the receipt of request/enquiry. Preparation of accurate external resource flow data Provided within 3 working days.
(Government Vehicles and assets) Motor Vehicle Registration application approvals Within 24 hours from the time of receipt of application. Permits for Government officials to drive government Vehicles Within 5 working days from the receipt of request. New Stock verification reports Released and dispatched to the respective Accounting Officers within 30 working days from the last date of inspection Replies to stock verification reports Examined and commented on within 30 working days from the receipt date Accident Reports Processed and respective Accounting Officers advised accordingly within 7 working days from the date of receipt. Stores Loss Reports Respective Accounting Officer(s) advised within 7 working days from the date of receipt. Public auction for condemned stores /assets Conducted within 30 working days from the date of write-off authority.


We have attempted in this charter document to set out our service promises in respect of what we believe clients have a right to expect in terms of standards, and we have consulted them in consideration of this. In addition to the right to high standards of service delivery we consider that clients also have the following rights.

9.1 Clients Rights

Clients have the rights to:-

  • Appeal for review of any decisions made
  • Review the charter
  • Lodge a complaint (Details of how to do this can be found below)
  • Privacy and confidentiality
  • See information about themselves subject to prescribed procedures
  • Access services, facilities and information in a manner which meets their needs – particularly the special needs of the disabled or otherwise disadvantaged

Similarly, we believe that clients have certain responsibilities to abide by certain codes of conduct and behaviour, to help us to provide good service to them, and to ensure a successful ongoing relationship.

9.2 Clients obligations

Clients are obliged to:

  • Treat our staff with courtesy
  • Not to offer gifts, favours or inducements to civil servants, or to solicit the same
  • Attend scheduled meetings punctually
  • Respond to requests for information precisely accurately, thoroughly and in time.
  • Abide to legal requirements and other obligations that they must meet in order to be eligible for payments or services sought


We welcome constructive criticism and feedback about services, delivered as well as appreciation and suggestions on how we might improve them. Furthermore, we promise that complaints and suggestions will be taken seriously and dealt with as quickly as possible by a respective department or Unit. Praise, acceptance and appreciation are strong reinforcement to our services. Constructive criticism and correct responses are welcome to correct wrong methods, procedures and behaviours along the line of customer oriented services. Any inconvenience will be notified with apology.

10.1 How to give feedback on this Charter

We welcome feedback about this Client Service Charter. We want it to be a living document. It should therefore, be about our services and the standards we aspire to provide, and also how users can contribute to setting them. Comments and suggestions should be sent to:-

The Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs,
PO Box 9111,
Dar Es Salaam.
Telephone: (+255) 022 2111174-6/ 2110319
Fax: (+255) 022 2110326

10.2 Records of complaints

We will record all complaints, compliments and suggestions. They will be used for our internal monitoring and evaluation process. The records will also help the process of annual self-assessment benchmarking by the senior management team of MoF, and used to help improve client service. Whilst we expect and require that complainants must identify themselves, we guarantee that all information, including personal names and details will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Complaints may be made by post, telephone, fax or e-mail or in person to the Director of Administration and Personnel to the above mentioned address.


We intend to review this Charter every year. We will monitor and evaluate our own performance and the success (or otherwise) of this Charter with the assistance of independent surveys and through consultation with our clients and stakeholders. As we have said, we intend that this charter should be a living document that evolves in line with changes that occur in society as a whole, and that affect our clients in particular. We wish to ensure its ongoing relevance and effectiveness and we will regularly review whether:-

  • The charter continues to reflect our approach to client service and any significant new initiatives in this area- particularly through the progress of the Public Finance Management Reform Programme
  • The service commitments and standards are still aligned to the needs and priorities of clients and key stakeholders. .
  • The charter continues to meet the clients service principles and core values.
  • The current content is accurate.
  • The format, design and availability meet clients' needs.
  • We are maintaining reliable and effective data collection on client feedback, service standards and complaints.
  • Changes should be made to our complaints handling processes for example if we are unable to resolve a satisfactory number of complaints without clients feeling the need to appeal to external bodies.

In order to be open and accountable we will consult with clients and stakeholders during our review process, and consult external sources such as the Commission on Human Rights and Good Governance, Tax Appeals Board and Tribunal and donor community, as well as service delivery surveys and customer focus groups.


We will continue to make ourselves publicly accountable for our performance and operations by publishing our client service charter and information on our level of compliance to the promises, commitments and guarantees we have made. In addition, we will regularly monitor the level of clients awareness of the charter. Data and information obtained will inform the process of annual self-assessment benchmarking by our senior management team. Specifically we will:

  • Publish performance against our Charter commitments in our Performance review reports and in the Annual Budget Report
  • Provide charter performance information to the PFMRP Steering Committee and The Inter-Ministerial Working Group (IMWG) for the Public Service Reform Programme (PSRP).
  • Provide charter performance information annually to the National Audit Office in respect of their requirements for Performance Auditing and Value for Money surveys of the public service
  • Report on performance to our key clients and stakeholders. This will help to ensure openness and accountability so that an on-going relationship with clients, stakeholders and MoF's staff is maintained
  • Publish a summary, with reference to complaints data, and MoF's general response to complaints, in our ministry's annual report.
  • Provide summary information annually to the President's Office, Civil service Department for the whole of Government Report on Client Service Charters.